Wednesday, May 20, 2020

BackLit Lilacs

I think this is probably my final Lilac painting for this season.  I put the lilacs in front of my window which has a macrame curtain.  It gave the set up a bit of an ethereal feeling and I tried to capture that.  This is Backlit Lilacs and Macrame Curtain - 12 x 12" - oil on canvas panel.
Backlit Lilacs and Macrame Curtain - 12 x 12" - oil on canvas - ©Kay Dewar

Monday, May 11, 2020

Hunter - the older brother

I almost forgot to post the painting of Hunter.  Hunter is Colten's and Leighla's older brother.  They are all fun kids who love the outdoor activities.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Colten - oil painting

Colten is Leighla's younger brother.  I like this pose from a photo taken by his mother.  He looks a bit apprehensive, but also appears to be resisting a smile.  Oil on linen canvas 8 x 10"